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  • in reply to: Lyme disease #3643

    Hi Karen,

    I just heard Dr. Dashore’s podcast interview you shared with us today. I am extremely confused now. At what stage should we get into Dr. Dashore’s program? I thought we will get all resources from your program. But her world seems to be totally different than what we are doing in your program, she talked about herbs and other treatment plans. She was also saying that rice is good (if we keep it soaked for 24 hours). Could you throw some light on this and clarify what i should be doing? Does this mean I should get a consultation with Dr. Dashore?


    in reply to: A few questions as we start #3634
    in reply to: Does age matter in healing autism? #3625


    We get the regular water bottle delivered for our water dispenser. Is it not good? whats the difference if we get that filter?

    in reply to: A few questions as we start #3624

    Thats really good to know D that your son is showing great improvements. If I may ask, how old is your son. I am a mom of 5 year old daughter (who has not yet been diagnosed with autism, but she has intellectual disability and developmental delays). She has been on the diet, elixirs and supplements for the last 5 months. We have not seen an huge improvement. Sometimes she starts saying mama and papa and then she stops for a month. I can share few recipes that you might want to try for your son. I know it is hard to keep them on diet. Sometimes I just dont understand what I should feed her.

    in reply to: A few questions as we start #3597

    Hi Karen,

    We eat all these legumes/lentils shown in this link below:

    Indian Cooking 101: Different Types of Indian Dals (Legumes, Lentils, Beans, Pulses)

    they are all good proteins. But I would like to make sure I am not feeding my daughter anything that will create more issues.

    in reply to: A few questions as we start #3592

    Hi Karen,
    I am aware that I should not give chickpea to my daughter.
    Is Gram flour fine for her? Do they have similarities?
    Also, can she eat mushroom?

    in reply to: A few questions as we start #3563

    Hi Karen,

    At what point in this program should I introduce Gaba for my daughter?
    Will Gaba help with speech? She was saying mama papa for few weeks last month and now she is totally mum.

    Please guide.

    in reply to: parasites #3558

    Hi Karen,

    I was reading on internet and read about MMS – Miracle Mineral Supplement that helps cure autism.
    Not sure about the authenticity of this information. But there are lots of videos available from a doctor name Dr. Kerri. Let me know your advice.

    in reply to: parasites #3557

    Hi Karen,

    The links on this page are not working. I wanted to check out parasite treatment options.

    At-Home-Testing for Gut Pathology and Treating Parasites

    in reply to: Restore/Ion Gut Biome #3552

    Hi Karen,

    I had stopped Restore for my daughter for 15 days and all her shouting and screaming had calmed down.
    Now again I started Restore a week ago and I notice she is more irritable. She is on Restore- 7 drops each day.
    But during the time when she did not take Restore, she stopped saying the two words she used to say.
    So stopping restore is not good.


    in reply to: Restore #3504

    Hi Karen,

    My daughter was totally deprived from sugar and fruits for 3 months, but after her low iron result, I have started giving her a banana every day. And she loves banana. We had replaced banana with avacado, but now she doesnt want to eat avacados anymore. Should I give her half apple a day? or thats going to be too much sugar?
    How much is acceptable? I know it should be 0, but its hard to deprive her of her favorite foods.

    in reply to: Starting Supplements #3500

    Hi Karen,

    Thanks for your replies. My daughter is on 4 elixirs since 3 months and now all of them are almost getting over.
    Question is – Should I order the same ones again? or order new elixirs (the other ones)? Or order old and new both?

    in reply to: Starting Supplements #3478

    Thanks Karen, we got her hearing checked few months ago and everything was good. She screams due to some kind of irritation. When something goes wrong on the ipad or with her toy, she screams and gets unmanageable.
    I was planning to order Trienza for her. So should I not start her on Trienza now?
    Instead start her on Zeolite? So no supplements for iron, just increase green leafy vegetables. Is that what you suggest?

    in reply to: Starting Supplements #3472

    Hi Karen,

    My daughter is on the diet plan and elixirs+probiotic+restore since 3 months. She has been saying few words like mama and papa since a month. But she has been shouting and screaming a lot. Because she does not talk she screams instead. We had to get her blood work done for TB test for her school admission and we found that she is slightly anemic (10.8). I believe the anemia could be because of the diet restriction? What should we do now? Give her some iron supplements? I will give her more spinach and greens too.
    Could the screaming and irritation be because of anemia or side effects of the elixirs.

    Hope to hear.

    in reply to: Restore #3272

    Hi Karen,

    Its been close to 2 months since we started our daughter on elixirs, restore, dr ohirra’s probiotics and of course the diet plan. I have seen few words get back (heard these words when she was 3 year old) like ‘mama’ and ‘papa’. She doesnt say them very often, but we have heard her say few times. Also she is getting more involved in touching our dog and getting her face close to the dog so she gets her face licked (she used to do this earlier). Few days she is more cranky and has been shouting more (because she is non-verbal). There is one thing that I noticed – when we started on in January, she had reduced on spinning. But since few weeks I see she has been spinning excessively.
    First question is – should we continue with her diet (no dairy, no carb, no gluten….)?
    This diet was for a month only. correct?
    Second question – In my last question, you said I can try Thrive, but also can continue with Dr. Ohirras. Can I give each of them alternate days. So she can get benefit from both.
    Third question – What is the next step in this? continue introducing other elixirs? or get onto enzymes and vitamins as mentioned in your portal?


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