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Stephanie Kovalcik

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  • in reply to: perseverate #243846
    Stephanie Kovalcik

    Hello, no its not echolalia, he is perseverating because its asking the same question over and over again, not repeating a word over and over. So yea there has been no new changes. but thanks this really did not help,

    in reply to: Baikalin/skullcap/herbals #241056
    Stephanie Kovalcik

    Thank you Karen… Much appreciative for you and always being willing to giving direct answers.

    in reply to: Baikalin/skullcap/herbals #241054
    Stephanie Kovalcik

    Hello Karen could you please let me know sooner then later. I would like to get this ordered. Thank you

    in reply to: behaviors #240858
    Stephanie Kovalcik

    Thank you. Karen, the medication was stopped with his psychiatrist, and it was discontinued 11/18/22. So, it’s been almost a month. He was not doing perfect in school, but as of Friday 12/09/22 he was out of control at school. I did start to add in the glymphatic elixir Friday night, starting with one drop. I am not sure if I can wait to get all the kits. Received a call yesterday and today, with same issues and behaviors. He is throwing and hurting staff members at school. I want to keep him off the medication, just not sure we can wait and that his school will work with us.

    in reply to: confused #240830
    Stephanie Kovalcik

    Thank you for that information. One more question. When your child is on multiple elixirs, can they be given together, or do we have to wait 20 min between each of them?

    in reply to: confused #240824
    Stephanie Kovalcik

    Hello, yes I know I did not have to purchase all at once, and I dd not. But if you look at how the quick start guide is worded, it says after a few weeks of implementing the first 4 with no issues, move on to the next group of elixirs. So that is what i did. You refer to the road map… which is the same as the quick guide. It directs to module 7 for parasites, but that is for the herbal not the elixir.

    I am sorry, but the above did not answer my question. For the parasite elixir do I give it at night, morning, does it have to be 20 min away from food? I did go to the website where I purchased it and there is no direction as well. Just looking for some clarification. It may help you to go back and read the quick guide, the wording makes it appear we need to do all this in steps, which I am trying to follow.

    Thank you

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