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Sharath Chandra

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  • in reply to: Dr ohhira’s Probiotic #233957
    Sharath Chandra

    Thank You Karen,

    I am using NSB1 spray and I am done with PANS tier1. I should add Just Thrive probiotics and see will it make any difference.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Rhogam shot #233297
    Sharath Chandra

    Thank You Karen,
    Still i haven’t started Baikalin skullcap powder I will add that to his daily regiem.
    I started PANS tier1 its been a month I am using 5 drops all the 5 formulas , I am using BXTD and nasal drops in the mold pack. Everytime I used to dilute formula 1 to 25% drops and 75% distlled water, this time I did muscle testing and I addes 50% drops and 50% water, I am noticing changes in his behvaiours. He is more rigid and stubborn and jumping moving here and there too much, continiously babbling. Is that problem with the dilution.


    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232919
    Sharath Chandra

    Thank You karen. Will look into emotion code and do practice.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232917
    Sharath Chandra

    Hi Karen,

    I met a Carnio Thearipst and had two sessions. My son is 5 1/2 years old now and he sometimes cooperate with the thearapist and sometimes not. When I spoke wit the therapist about Autism and Carniosacral thearapy and speech improvement she said that it may or may not help with kids on spectrum. He had lots of words but his problem is that he couldn’t focus and frame sentences. He is little shy guy.He don’t open infront of new person.I even approaced the homeopath and raised my concerns.

    As per your advice I wanted to give the best to my son get heal.I am following every step in your protocol. I am still in confusting state and my insurance is not covering though.

    My another question is about the stem cell therapy. Does it work. I wanted to talk about this with you.
    He is evrything to me. I couldn’t stop my tears all the time seeing him.Please help me.


    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232882
    Sharath Chandra

    Hi Karen ,

    I stared Custom Exlir and Liver detox exlir to my son from last week. I noticed mild fever from last night.
    I am little worried about his fever,Before strating PANS tier1 i want to give his these elixirs for a week and wanted to start PANS herbals. Do i need to stop the ellixirs for a while till the fever gets better.
    Please suggest me.


    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232840
    Sharath Chandra

    Thank You karen, I will look for a carniosacral thearpist, We recently started giving him complete mold pack.
    For Vaccinations isuue i am just giving him Thuja 3 pellets daily once .Any other recommendations. Do you suggest FLu shot for him this year.

    Thank you.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232837
    Sharath Chandra

    Hi karen,
    My son is 5 years old and has speech delay and lack of social skills. He was normal delivery but as the delivery was prolonged, my gynic used vaccum extraction. Does that impact the development? He was normal till 2 years but slowly delayed in his development. We are not sure if that is related to mold, vaccination. In one of the modules, you have mentioned about carniosacral therapy. Does it help in developmental delays, focus and concentrations. Please provide your suggestions.


    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232764
    Sharath Chandra

    Karen, Do i need to add Custom Elixir LS in schedule before starting herbals.

    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232761
    Sharath Chandra

    Thank you Karen,

    I ordered PANS tier 1, I have a quick question. I am giving my son, Toxin, VItamin D, Sattuv ,Neurotransmitter Optimization Elixir,Memory Recovery Elixir,CandXpel,Parasite Elixirs right now. These are the robert top priotrized elixirs for him. I am on the minerals,binders and diet.

    In order to start the PANS tier1 do in need to give him the Liver Detox Pathways Elixir or can i start them asap.


    in reply to: Brain support supplements #232752
    Sharath Chandra

    Thank you Karen. I had listened to the monthly call and got the answer. I will try PANS Tier1.
    I started Mold pack 1 month ago. Should I keep using both PANS Tier1 and Mold bundle together.
    I will be adding CBD oil too.

    He don’t have any sleep issues , mood instability or insatiable appetite. Everything looks great.

    Thank you

    in reply to: BioNexus health login #231973
    Sharath Chandra

    Karen, When i walk through Knowledge base and click there it is redirecting me to autsimmomsmentor home page. Dont know where i got stuck. Can i use another email id and login with bionexus. Is that ok .

    in reply to: Vitamin D suggestion #231835
    Sharath Chandra

    Hi Karen, as you mentioned about the vitamin D in module 2. I couldn’t see any specific link . Could you please suggest me one in Liquid or gummies form.

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