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Sarah Stone

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  • in reply to: Cause of symptoms support #243784
    Sarah Stone

    Hi Karen,

    Yes! Feel free to use my comment to inspire others in this program or to encourage others to join! I also wanted to write a longer post about how your program is changing our whole family’s lives.

    I also wanted to write to you to seek your wisdom on what to do when your kid has to go on antibiotics. Today, we went to the doctor because Honor seemed to have pink eye. Well, she had something worse- I forget what she called it. But she said that if left untreated, the infection could spread to inside her eye and could potentially lead to vision or even eye loss. I was devastated because we had been working so so hard to heal Honor’s gut. However, looking at her face, I could tell this infection wasn’t a simple pink eye. So we started her on the oral antibiotics.

    What can we do to support her through this and to help her gut continue to heal? We are not yet on the prebiotics you recommend. Should we start those soon? I just got my account with bionexus and will be placing my order soon. You recommended following the path for when parasites are prominent. Should we stick to that plan for what’s next?

    The doctor suspected that the congestion that never went away was where the infection probably originated from.

    Also, last question- you mentioned that Honopure may have still helped Honor for the little time she was on it. Would you recommend us trying honopure again? Perhaps after we do the phenols part of the allergy kit. I was able to get the autism allergy kit for Dr. Ynge’s birthday sale.

    Thank you!!!

    in reply to: Cause of symptoms support #243765
    Sarah Stone

    Hi Karen!

    I wanted to write back to you for a while. Thank you so much for your response. When I looked back on my notes, I saw that the nonverbal symptoms and screaming and moaning started right after I gave Honor the Honopure! Since taking her off of it, she went back to her herself and then some! The screaming has pretty much stopped! This is something that has been continuous since she turned 18months. We’ve been on your program for about 3 months now and I am already feeling like I’m getting to have the motherhood moments I’ve always dreamed about. The aggression towards her sister has decreased dramatically. It is down to once or twice a day. I can leave them to play together without having to be hypervigilant about my little one getting hurt. They were even playing dolls together, voicing their characters in imaginative play. I’ve never seen Honor animate and voice a doll before!

    With that said, there is still a lot of work to do. Honor still hasn’t fully recovered from the symptoms of the cold/virus she caught from about a month ago. She still has a pretty stuffy nose, especially after waking up. She is still really low energy, which usually drops off dramatically by early afternoon.

    We are just about ready to start herbals. I just sent the email to your support team.

    We have continued all the detox pathways support in module one.

    About our home and mold. We are planning to move in the very near future and we rent our home. We are thinking it is not financially possible for us to treat the mold in our home. I would rather use our finances to make sure our new home is mold free. We have a hepa air filter and we run it 24/7. It is not ideal, but that is our reality right now. Any thoughts that would be helpful to us right now?

    Also, last question. Since she reacted to Honopure, I’m wondering what clue that is to a bigger picture? This last summer, I noticed that Honor’s functioning declined and her screaming and whining increased after we opened our pool. After two weeks of swimming almost everyday, she really regressed. This makes me think she is sensitive to chlorine as well. I know you have a phenols page. I will look into that again. But does this give clues about how I should also make tweaks in her diet?

    Thank you so much Karen!

    in reply to: Cause of symptoms support #243571
    Sarah Stone

    Oh, she is congested too! She usually isn’t ever congested. Just some nasal congestion.

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