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Patricia Malaszczuk

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  • in reply to: Nov 3 Call #238080
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Thank you, what I like about the play back is you can pause and be on website at same time and look at the notes and modules and order as you listen .

    I’m going to listen to it again while I do house work see if I missed anything.

    I love listening and learning its what I can do to help my little one.

    God willing we will all be on the other side of the spectrum rainbow. 😉

    in reply to: Bionexus and stem cells #236971
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Just wanted to share Dr Dashore did not recommend my daughter stay on herbals and do stem cell at same time. She recommended we finish protocol first or stop protocol to do stem cell. After stem cell treatment we can get back on herbal protocol . She believed it would be too much for my daughters little sensitive body.

    Dr Dashore assured me her herbal stem cell herbals are NOT stem cells.
    Hope that helps.
    Trish- mommy of a child with autism

    in reply to: How to open sulfur pathway #236969
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Hello, Margaux

    Seems like we have the same child or at least a lot of same gut issues. I wanted to share with you I had to stop Pure body Ziolite because my London that is 4 almost 5 had sever constipation after using this product. I muscle tested and she just can’t have any binders . Not Pure body not charcoal not Chlorenergy . None of the danders work for her and are so important. I’m also working with a doctor her doctor is Dr Shashore which is the Herbaloist doctor for Bionexus the herbs on program. Again my little London ultra sensitive to herbals . We just can’t seem to move forward . Going slow has been my model however at one drop even few days will take years to get at a significant dose. anyhow just wanted to give you some caution and Posible further constipation . Go very slow if your little one is sensitive. I had to stop it from her protocol for about 6 month now and just now she is going on regular bases again. I’m terrified of starting binders again once everything moving again.

    I ferment her probiotics in coconut yogurt I make its very easy to make any how thats only thing that works for her high doses of probiotics.

    and last thing I tried because I was desperate and because she is ultra sensitive to everything I wanted something that had no side affect which was Stem Cell . Dr Whitney at Innate health is amazing and is ok with everything on Karens program.

    Karen, I would like to share my experience with you regarding Dr Whitney and possibly having him on one of your podcast. I believe you have an amazing plat form where all these little ones can gain some level of recovery. Stem cell has been amazing for my little London. Thanks for all the guidance and supplement information especially your podcast and list of experts where I first learned about possibly using stem cells as added bonus to the road of recovery .

    -Trish London’s mommy

    in reply to: Bionexus Herbs #234025
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Thank you so much! Going really slow. I’ve been muscle testing and her body keeps giving me a “no” on second Elixir. I have purchased all 14 that Robert recommended. She has been on Sensory overload one drop for two months now. I know she is full of toxins so giving her body time to process everything is what she needs, so that’s what I’m doing. Whatever she test for on each day is what I’m giving her. Yes, I’m testing every day. 😉 It gives me peace of mind.

    I did ask Dr Dashore regarding muscle testing and she said I’m am not healthy I currently have (mono /EBV and Lyme) enough to muscle test for her. only Someone that is healthy enough can muscle test. She told me she will help me muscle test for each herb for London.
    In the mean time I still continue to muscle test and doing the best I can . 🙂
    I really enjoy having this support group ! Really priceless !!!

    in reply to: Bionexus Herbs #233993
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Hello sorry I’ve been really sick for the past two weeks and haven’t check emails. I will let Tracy know soon..

    And, No worried on Dr Dashore she said it’s not a good idea to do both set of herbals . She already had London on specific herbal according to Londons specific test results. She said it would be too much for her to be on both protocols.(I was under the impression they were the same protocols since she has Lyme , Pans, Mold and Parasites , but she is on different herbs) I still would like to continue with supplements since much of the products are similar with the exception of BioNexus herbals are tailored to London .
    I won’t be doing the mold and lyme, pans tiers as in your protocol . I’m going to continue on Dr Dashores herbals suggestions especially since I already purchase and invested on testing since March of this year and I have not purchase any of Naturally Recovering herbal tiers protocol since I was unable to access that part of program. And I won’t be able to access the BioNexus website under Recovering Autism as I’m already her BioNexus patient. As explained by BioNexus. Which is fine since I won’t be purchasing the different tier bundles on your protocol.

    I do have one question regarding BioNexud herbs and Roberts Elixirs are they ok to use at the same time with BioNexus herbs ?
    I will also` so ask Dr Dashore regarding London’s specific BioNexus herb protocol regarding using Elixirs. If it is not recommended then I will have to start Elixirs till a later time.

    I let Dr Dashore know I will be continuing with Naturally Recovering membership as mentoring program and a way to connect with other moms.

    Thank you Trish

    in reply to: Increased urination #233735
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Hello, not sure if you are doing herbals but I experience same with my daughter and I asked Dr Dashore and she said its a good thing that urination has increased because it means detox is working.

    in reply to: Please help #233702
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

    in reply to: Please help #233698
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Thank you Karen this helps me a lot. Will send email to Cara I also listen to podcast you had with her. It was very encouraging.

    Maria, not sure how old or how long you have been in this fight to recovery but just know you are NOT alone. I know that’s not huge comfort.

    I’ve been with two different Practitioner , Dr Ways in Australia and Dr Dashore. Doctors meet with you once a month and little guidance . The reason why I joined Karen Thomas program was for the support and added guidance. The truth is I’m getting so so much more out of this program than I have in last past 2 years.
    And Like you I am angry . But not at this program or herbs I’m angry at government for not providing financial assistance with all this expense. ( I do know all these expenses are tax deductible) I just need to find the right CPA .At the TACA’s autism conference where I met Karen one year ago. YEs it took me a year to finally join. ) that’s where I learned that all this is tax deductible , just not sure how to included it so save or put everything in one credit card to make it easier at the end of the year. Karen, ( tax deductions) CPA and trust for children with Autism , this is a good Pod cast to have if there isn’t one already)
    I’m mad at all the toxins and lack of warning by the government about Gyphosate. I wish I had all this knowledge before I had my daughter and never ever would I have gotten Flu shot pregnant or vaccinated my daughter with kidney issues. I’m mad at Autism . I am frustrated that the herbs what cures are causing scary reactions “die off” but that just tells me I have to keep going I can’t let my 4 year old daughter suffer in silence because she too is none verbal. And those days where you see a glimpse of hope and a little improvement that makes this all worth it every penny every night of no sleep . I’m going on 7 straight days of No sleep wake up at 2am ready to play.😭😩I’m physically mentally exhausted . But every day I think today is one step closer to a better London. So one once said do something for your self . But all I want to do is research and learn all I can about how to recover London. But I have to re-energize so Yes, please try to take 30 min a day for your self if possible . I’m first to say this is impossible, but I force myself to leave home everyday even if it is to walk the dog. Ask for help if you have too. ( another good pod cast to have.( self-care)
    Please tell your husband to be patient and maybe have him listen to a few podcast . My husband just tells me how are we going to pay for all this ? I said a credit card minimum balance . It docent matter . Money comes and goes health is priceless. I hope I was able to help . Please feel free to email me at

    in reply to: Please help #233671
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Hello, I wanted to say, I understand what Maria is going through. My 4 year old has extrem die off reactions. My daughter been on gut healing diet (nutrigenomics) protocol for 2 years now. It’s been a really really slow battle.
    We started to see Dr Dashore six months before starting your protocoling in October.Dr Dashore put London on herbals for PANDAS , Parasites, mold and Lyme however, she has a lot of difficulties taking herbals . It’s been six months and she is still on one drop per day of Mold , pans , parasites herbals , and to be honest she hasn’t even gotten on all of the herbs.

    Since joining your program I have learned to muscle test but sometimes, she still has a bad reaction to adding something new. Because of her toxin load, I’m going supper supper slow. Taking few days off in between herbals to let her body catch up. Even at one drop per day. (Dr Dashore has suggested adding herbals to the inside of her forearm to test her for reaction prior to consuming them. Maybe this can help Maria’s son?

    I am also confused and scared how to add on the rest of the herbals and when do I add and start
    ELixirs without being scared that she will have a really bad reaction like vomit until she passes out and turn into a weak rage doll. or wakes up screaming and full of energy at 3am. It’s beyond scary. London and I have taken few weeks off after that last reaction. And Added one drop of Biopure every night. But have not started Chlorenegy yet due to muscle testing, her body tells me it is not ready.
    Because My daughter has the “trifecta” when it comes to toxins I am wondering how to weave in all these herbs. Do I finish adding in all the herbals for mold then finish herbs for pandas and then parasite before starting Elixirs? OR just weave them in one at a time as London’s Bodies allows.

    Also, London has FAAH gene variant therefor CBD could have adverse and serious side affects therefore we have been advised NOT to use it.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Elixirs & the liver #233447
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Thank you, our children are worth all the effort. 😉

    in reply to: Elixirs & the liver #233397
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Hi Merilyn, I have 3 year old and I feel like I’ve been at the start of treatment for a 1.5 years now ( with other protocols) . I started with Karen with October hoping to recover her safely. I started with herbals because of PANS reaction possibly KPU ,but ,She gets fever every time I add herbals its all so so scary especially during this time of Covid. I get so scared that I don’t want to add anything else. Today I got the Chlorenergy and I’m hoping it works better than Charcoal. The Charcoal has made her constipation worse. I just wanted to say,” I hear your pain.” And I can only go as fast as her body lets me. And to make things worse my daughter was born with kidney issues so I have to be extra slow and careful. I know for us there is going to be reaction after reaction but, The fact that she is having a reaction is good because I know something is happening. The question is where is balance between recovery and detox is too much. Muscle testing has been helpful but not always 100% for me. I’m still new at trying it. I prefer pendulum with a locket for muscle testing. ( I also try everything I give her.) And thanks for sharing it gives me confidence to move on even though it is hard.
    Good luck with your son.

    in reply to: Mold and Lyme and Pandas confused about where to start. #233232
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Hello, Karen
    Sorry, it’s been a few days. London has had elevated temperature at 99.6 all week. Watching her closely and going really really slow with her. ( When she gets fever not sure if its beginning of UTI or reaction to herbal or supplements ) As for urologist she is seeing a new one this week. Her issues are congenital and genetic code is wrong in relations to ureter.
    Robert sent over 14 different Elixirs . I got all of them , I’m worried she is so sensitive to herbals that she will have the same reaction to Elixirs. I know they are supposed to help and not hurt her. I’m afraid it might be too much for her kidney or liver . I have not started them yet. This is all so scary when she has a bad reaction to one tiny drop of herbals. Like fever, vomiting, passing out, sometimes it’s mild cold like symptoms.

    I’ve had HERTSMI test, it came back borderline but I’m still having air ducks cleaned. Hoping this helps her too. I got a home purifier that Dr Dashore suggested.

    I’ve been working with biomagnetism with London for few months now. I’m very interested in body code and emotional code will try it soon. Thank you for Cara info. Is allergy release same as emotional code work ?

    Also, Is there suggestions on how to give Nasal spray 1 NSB?

    Thank you

    in reply to: Mold and Lyme and Pandas confused about where to start. #233148
    Patricia Malaszczuk

    Thank you so much for your suggestions.
    As for Londons antibiotics, I’ve been afraid to take her off antibiotics because every time we try she ends up in the hospital with high fever and a kidney infection. Her Urologist suggest she stay on a low dose of antibiotics to prevent UTI or kidney infection. She is none verbal and can’t tell me she is in pain until it’s too late. The urologist said I can take her off antibiotics if she pooped at least once a day ,every day. But because she is getting really bad bacteria growths like c-diff , do to build of toxins “poop” urologist said, it’s not good for her to be off antibiotics . I told the urologist about herbals he basically laughed at me, and told me to put her on Miralax , non thank you. I’ve struggled so much with her constipation and her UTI she spend her first year of life in and out of the hospital do to UTIs. Whats happening is the urine is refluxing back up to the kidneys causing bacteria to go up and gives her UTIs and kidney infections. Urologist are hoping she will out grow it and kidney lines will correct themselves. She has ultra sound every 6 months to monitor. Dr. Dashore has given us herbal formulas to help and replace the antibiotics however, I can’t get London to increase the dose because she has herx reaction and now after muscle testing she won’t even accept them. Eventually this is the plan to take her off antibiotics. The truth is ,I’m so scared to take her off antibiotics during Covid-19 and her developing a high fever and vomiting ,not being able to stay with her at hospital due to Covid-19 strict rules. I’m waiting for her to be at full dose of herbals and going to restroom on a daily bases before getting her off antibiotics.

    This is the one issue that depresses me because I understand antibiotics are really damaging and holding her back from recovery .It kills me to give them to her every night knowing its counter intuitive. It truly is a catch 22. This is why I have her on high dose of probiotics.

    I wish I would have joined earlier . But like you said I’m here now. Please !!!! Feels free to Share with everyone, facebook ,emails!! At meeting, pod cast!!! I would love to share before and after for you one day once I recover London. I’m grateful I kept receiving your emails and I signed up to be on your emailing list, for some reason Master class came up and I listened. The energy alined.

    Please tell moms out there, having someone to clear up any questions they might have is priceless!!! Doctors are great! But they don’t have the time to hold our hands. This is why your program is invaluable! Let alone a huge savings. I am getting to the point where I can’t afford all supplements and doctor appointments that are really not doing anything different other than ordering test and reading them for me. After a year of test I have realized you don’t need to spend money on test when you have the symptoms to tell you what’s wrong. Unless you have extra cash and you just want to know then go for it. Your program offers suggestions for testing as well. If my daughter needs a test I can get it after getting some results not all up front which left me completely depressed without any direction as to where to start, completely overwhelmed.
    I look forward to the rest of the journey with you! And everyone in the membership sharing in the forum. Thank you for starting this program, I would like to help in anyway possible !

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