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Vanaja Indra

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  • in reply to: Zeolite #240314
    Vanaja Indra

    Brilliant thank you very much.
    Kind regards

    in reply to: Binders #240168
    Vanaja Indra

    I’m sorry to hear you have Covid but good that you are on the mend. Thank you for responding to above even while you are unwell. Is the Chlorella also a binder? thank you

    in reply to: PB Zeolite Extra question #240086
    Vanaja Indra

    Out of curiosity, if a child wont accept sprays, is it advisable to give PB extra as drops in fluid, or will it not work that way?

    thank you

    in reply to: PB Zeolite Extra question #240065
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you

    in reply to: PB Zeolite Extra question #240060
    Vanaja Indra


    Few more questions please:

    1. Can you take the PB Zeolite extra strength with food or is it away from food?
    2. Can you take the PB Zeolite extra strength same time as Elixirs, Brainchild and other vitamins etc?
    3. Do you carry on taking the normal strength zeolite as well or stop that when we start PB extra?
    4. What is a typical therapeutic dose to build up to for a 20kg child you think for PB extra? Muscle testing is not working for me.

    thank you

    in reply to: Herbals #239939
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you Karen

    in reply to: Herbals #239926
    Vanaja Indra

    Thanks Karen for the above.

    A) Can I please double check the order is as follows:

    1. First Start with Formula NSB1 spray.
    2. Then start BTXD a few days later.
    3. Then we add in parasite formula 6A a few days later.
    4. After one week, start either PANS Tier 1 or Lyme tier 1 formulas.
    5. Start parasite formula 6B, 30 days after starting Formula 6A.
    6. Stop taking Formula 6A and 6B after they have been taken for 2 months together.
    7. Re-start Formula 6A and 6B together both at the same dosage.

    B) Under point 2 BTXD on your response above you also mentioned: EOS-diffused, DT-detnal rinse, formula 5 DHP, Formula 5 DHP/XS. I dont see that is relevant for stage 2. I assume I just ignore that part?

    C) Since there are many formulas under PANS/Lyme tier 1. Do you introduce each one, one at a time, say a week part, and do that simultaneously to stop / starting formula 6A/6Bs?

    thank you

    in reply to: Herbals #239905
    Vanaja Indra

    9. One more qn, do we take the herbs with food? Can it be taken same time/mixed in with binders, zeolite, quinton or Elixirs?

    thank you

    in reply to: Herbals #239904
    Vanaja Indra

    Hi Karen

    I am looking at the herbals again and I have read the pdf thoroughly but I found it a little confusing and its a little different to what you wrote above. Hence I would like to check below if this is correct as the example process, I am not able to muscle test to check.

    1. First Start with Formula NSB1 spray.
    Also to be clear, on Bionexus website this seems to be called Formula 1 NSB.
    And I understand that this must be mixed with distilled water, is that correct? How do we do that, do I need to buy an empty bottle of nasal spray and buy distilled water and mix and then keep than mixture in the fridge and use it?

    2. Then start BTXD a few days later.
    a. Is this the same as BTXD Blend HerbCelMax (2 fl oz)?
    b. Do we take this by mouth, eg start with one drop? Or is it diffused, the herbals pdf also mentions diffusing.

    3. I guess then we add in parasite formula 6A a few days later.
    a. Is this the one that is called Formula 6A PBS on Bionexus website?
    b. I assume we take this by mouth, starting with 1 drop a day.
    c. When you work up the dose eg if we take 4 drops a day, can you take that as part of the same dose, or does it need to be split morning and evening/afternoon?

    4. After one week, start something else.
    a. On the pdf it says to start the PANS Tier 1 formulas. On the instructions above it says to start Lyme tier 1. So not sure which one to start?
    b. On Bionexus website when I click on either Pans Tier 1 or Lyme Disease Tier 1, there are a lot of different herbs that come up. Which one are we meant to take?

    5. Start parasite formula 6B, 30 days after starting Formula 6A.
    a. I assume that is the same as the Formula 6B PBS on the Bionexus website?

    6. Stop taking Formula 6A and 6B after they have been taken for 2 months together.
    Stop both for a total of 30 days.
    a. But I assume we only stop formula 6A ad 6B but carry on with the others (eg NSB1, BTXD etc)?

    7. Re-start Formula 6A and 6B together both at the same dosage.
    I assume we introduce 1 drop of Formula 6A and 1 drop of formula 6B at the same time to re-introduce.

    8. Do we then start Bartonella and Babesia tiers or can we stop there?


    in reply to: CBD Oil #239901
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you

    in reply to: Probiotics #239778
    Vanaja Indra

    One more…

    6) Would you start probiotics before or after herbals?

    thank you

    in reply to: Probiotics #239776
    Vanaja Indra

    One more to add to the list…

    5. You said to check for histamine levels/reaction. If my child has an issue with histamine, should that mean its not a good idea to introduce the two probiotics (Dr Ohirra and Just Thrive)?

    thank you

    in reply to: Mold #239643
    Vanaja Indra

    Re the hepa filter, do you have something that you recommend in the UK by any chance as the US one is not likely to fit the plugs etc here? thank you

    in reply to: Mold #239611
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you. Which one would you recommend for my son when we visit grandparents’ house which seems to pretty quickly trigger his asthma, allergies, coughs, colds. I am suspecting it’s from a combination of mold and air pollutants.

    Is one better or quicker for cleaning the air than the other? I noticed you did recommend the Hepa filter before I questioned you on the bee vaporiser.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Breaking the news #239610
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you

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