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Vanaja Indra

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  • in reply to: Water #238534
    Vanaja Indra


    Do you add something to the filtered water to add back in essential minerals that would also have been stripped? Sorry I have not listened to your video yet but I will.


    in reply to: Pandas and probiotics #238519
    Vanaja Indra

    Will do thank you

    in reply to: Pandas and probiotics #238516
    Vanaja Indra

    Thanks. Muscle testing is not working for me at the moment but I will keep practicing. :-/

    in reply to: Pandas and probiotics #238510
    Vanaja Indra

    Ok thanks.

    Have you also heard that omegas are not necessarily recommended if we are suspecting PANDAS? I have also heard that.

    thank you

    in reply to: IgG tests #238509
    Vanaja Indra

    Thanks Karen. I will get in touch with Cara.
    Kind regards

    in reply to: Elixir #238389
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you

    in reply to: Diet restriction and allergies #238342
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you for your kind response. I will take a look at information regarding Cara on Module 4 too.
    Kind regards

    in reply to: Cater oil #238332
    Vanaja Indra

    Just to follow on… they all seem to be coldpressed, but some are refined and some are unrefined. thankyou

    in reply to: Diet restriction and allergies #238330
    Vanaja Indra

    Dear Karen

    I do have a follow up question please on this. I do understand the theory and I have your excellent book already (thank you). The thing I am struggling with is that I know that in practise I know that people who have gone on restricted diets and subsequently never able to eat the foods they cut out so I am trying to understand what might explain them.

    For example one person went gluten free, felt great while on that diet. But then had small bite of gluten accidentally and had in extreme stomach pains which they never had before. This was years ago and now since then she is able to tolerate very small amounts of gluten but not much anymore. She didnt have this problem before she went on the gluten free diet.

    The second example is of someone who had some food allergies. They went on a restricted diet and cut out even more food in an attempt to heal their body, for about 6 months. At the end of it they were never able to eat the food they cut out without having extreme allergic reactions.

    I understand that there may also be exceptional examples but this is a risk that our pediatrician has warned us against for my son because he is prone to allergies (and has a few already). I am committed to trying to find solutions for my son but I need to assess the risks too and I am struggling to understand why we have the above examples (which apparently are common from what I understand from pediatrician).

    Is this the case that they didnt succeed in healing the gut properly, and therefore there is a risk that by going on the restricted diet, if it didnt result in a fully healed gut, then the outcome could be worse with more allergies or food intolerances?

    I would gratefully appreciate your view on this please.

    Many thanks

    in reply to: Diet restriction and allergies #238324
    Vanaja Indra

    Thank you for your reply

Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 70 total)