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Sunrise Flour Mill

Naturally Recovering Autism Forums AMM Forum Recipes Sunrise Flour Mill

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  • #239327
    Jasmin Quinn

    Hi Karen,

    We just started your program about three days ago to help naturally heal our daughter for Autism and we are very excited and hopeful! We are starting to slowly phase out rice, sugar and other things our daughter is addicted too.

    I wanted to ask about Sunrise Flour Mill and if it would be appropriate to use as a birthday or rare treat. This flour mill prides itself with its organic heritage wheat and they test for the presence of glyphosate in their wheat for best quality. I understand if this is something we cannot implement during the detox stage, but would it be something we could use in the future?

    Thank you and God bless!

    Karen Thomas

    Hi Jasmin and welcome!
    It’s great that it is tested for glyphosate because that’s a big part of the problem, but not all of the issues. Wheat is very inflammatory so it harms the gut. It also creates opiates in the body so it becomes very addictive. Keto option flours are best, Coconut or almond flour. For a birthday, ie not often, there is a pretty good gluten free flour mix from Pamela’s, but it does have other processed carbs in it that I don’t like. For a once a year, it’s fine. Research on the internet the options for gluten free cake and use the word “keto” in the search. You’ll get better options.

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